
Ideally a man has a habit of generally the same (we like big breast girl, cute face, big butt), as well as girls, they have similarities in taste or criteria for selecting a boy. Even if they look different though, they still have a lot of similarities in the way of thinking. If you do not believe, try asking another girl friend. Read the following list as you're done reading the characters on herself (see the material cold reading). I assure you, he'll be surprised. He probably would say, "You koq know about me really hell? Lest ye forecasters yah! " 

1. girls are emotional beings, they will not follow his logic. For the girls, the feeling is the most important. They rarely even think rationally. They prefer to listen to their own instincts. 

2. Girls have a wild side. Sometimes they are challenged to go into the adventure, challenge, or other wild things. 

3. In a relationship, girls tended to be passive and hope there are men who lead. The man they expect it is a REAL MAN. Girls do not like making decisions, because it is the authority MEN. 

4. Girls like to surprise. Most relationships will dull over time if there are no surprises. Because every day they receive the same routines from different men. They want variety and change. They want men who make surprises, excitement, crowds or something new and unprecedented. They want men who are creative in delivering surprises. 

5. Girls prefer something a little but detail than many but not clear. They are very meticulous in cleanliness (Fashion & Grooming). 

6. Sometimes, kino romantic moment, a hug and a kiss is more important than expensive gifts. 
7. Girls are often criticized him. They are always meticulous in her appearance. Just a little tiny mistake will make them imperfect. They need validation. A complimentary about the appearance will be able to increase self-confidence girl. 

8. Girls really believe in love first sight. Inside their brains, they have a picture of an ideal man, a handsome prince. 

9. When dating, women want the man who initiated the first Kist. Girls often use the test to see if the man in accordance with criterianya. 
10. Girls love a spontaneous sex. It's not planned sex. They are very passive in bed. They like to experiment and try something new. 

After you read the above cold reading, how the response? Is she fascinated and amazed? Do not tell me if you know it all from his brother reza, OK! So he will be more curious about you. Tell me if you have a sixth sense or whateverlah. Remember the point is HAVING FUN & Surprise. Read and remember the cold reading above. Note keywordnya is a real man, leadership, having fun, men's dream, and variations. Unlike women, men keyword is: Cute, hot, cute, big breasts, buttocks semok, competition, and challenges. Compare the two and you'll realize mengaapa so difficult in understanding the girl in the twinkling of an eye.

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